Weekly Challenges & Payouts Rules & Terms of Service
These rules and terms of service apply addiotionally to server wide rules to all players who are participating in Weekly Challenges & Payouts.
1. You must follow server wide rules at all times addiotionally to these Weekly Challenges rules and Terms of Service while participating.
2. You can only use 1 account when you're signed up for weekly challenges (This rule supersedes the server wide rule 'Alternate accounts'). Breaking this rule will result in disqualification from weekly challenges & payouts, permanent ban from future payouts without the possibility of appeal and possible server permanent or temporary ban depending on severity.
3. No use of cheats, exploits, bugs, glitches or hacks to obtain unfair advantage over other participants. (Only exception being "Auto Join"/"Auto Reconnect" which automatically reconnects you in the event of server restart) Breaking this rule will result in disqualification from weekly challenges & payouts, permanent ban from future payouts without the possibility of appeal and possible server permanent or temporary ban depending on severity.
Terms of Service
- We reserve the right to refuse any payouts (PayPal or Buycraft) for any reason this includes but is not limited to; we believe participant used unfair advantage, participant account has been compromised, participant is ban/punishment evading or participant is commiting fraud.
- We reserve the right to delay payouts (PayPal or BuyCraft) to conduct an investigation if we believe winner(s) have broken any rules/terms of service.
- We reserve the right to update these Rules or Terms of Service at any moment with or without notice. It's participants responsibility to check these regulary.
- Payouts are only valid for 7 days from the time Weekly Challenge is concluded. We will not re-issue any expired payouts under any circumstance, no excepetions.
- It's participant's duty to keep their PayPal address updated. We will not re-issue any payouts under any circumstance this includes but is not limited to; if the email is outdated, not working, if the PayPal account assiocated to the email is deleted, banned, frozen or locked or if the access to the email or PayPal are lost.
- If the server permanently or temporarily shuts down while a weekly challenge or payouts are in progress, the weekly challenge will be ended and no payouts issued.